EC6701 RF AND MICROWAVE ENGINEERING syllabus-subject-notes-pevious-year-questions-papers-bank
To inculcate understanding of the basics required for circuit representation of RF networks.
To deal with the issues in the design of microwave amplifier.
To instill knowledge on the properties of various microwave components.
To deal with the microwave generation and microwave measurement techniques
UNIT I TWO PORT NETWORK THEORY 9 Review of Low frequency parameters: Impedance, Admittance, Hybrid and ABCD parameters, Different types of interconnection of Two port networks, High Frequency parameters, Formulation of S parameters, Properties of S parameters, Reciprocal and lossless Network, Transmission matrix, RF behavior of Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors.
UNIT II RF AMPLIFIERS AND MATCHING NETWORKS 9 Characteristics of Amplifiers, Amplifier power relations, Stability considerations, Stabilization Methods, Noise Figure, Constant VSWR, Broadband, High power and Multistage Amplifiers, Impedance matching using discrete components, Two component matching Networks, Frequency response and quality factor, T and Pi Matching Networks, Microstrip Line Matching Networks.
UNIT III PASSIVE AND ACTIVE MICROWAVE DEVICES 9 Terminations, Attenuators, Phase shifters, Directional couplers, Hybrid Junctions, Power dividers, Circulator, Isolator, Impedance matching devices: Tuning screw, Stub and quarter wave transformers. Crystal and Schottkey diode detector and mixers, PIN diode switch, Gunn diode oscillator, IMPATT diode oscillator and amplifier, Varactor diode, Introduction to MIC.
UNIT IV MICROWAVE GENERATION 9 Review of conventional vacuum Triodes, Tetrodes and Pentodes, High frequency effects in vacuum Tubes, Theory and application of Two cavity Klystron Amplifier, Reflex Klystron oscillator, Traveling wave tube amplifier, Magnetron oscillator using Cylindrical, Linear, Coaxial Voltage tunable Magnetrons, Backward wave Crossed field amplifier and oscillator
UNIT V MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS 9 Measuring Instruments : Principle of operation and application of VSWR meter, Power meter, Spectrum analyzer, Network analyzer, Measurement of Impedance, Frequency, Power, VSWR, Q-factor, Dielectric constant, Scattering coefficients, Attenuation, S-parameters
OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
Explain the active & passive microwave devices & components used in Microwave communication systems.
Analyze the multi- port RF networks and RF transistor amplifiers.
Generate Microwave signals and design microwave amplifiers.
Measure and analyze Microwave signal and parameters.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Reinhold Ludwig and Gene Bogdanov, “RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications”, Pearson Education Inc., 2011 2. Robert E Colin, “Foundations for Microwave Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2005
REFERENCES: 1. David M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, Wiley India (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2008. 2. Thomas H Lee, “Planar Microwave Engineering: A Practical Guide to Theory, Measurements and Circuits”, Cambridge University Press, 2004. 3. Mathew M Radmanesh, “RF and Microwave Electronics”, Prentice Hall, 2000. 4. Annapurna Das and Sisir K Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
To inculcate understanding of the basics required for circuit representation of RF networks.
To deal with the issues in the design of microwave amplifier.
To instill knowledge on the properties of various microwave components.
To deal with the microwave generation and microwave measurement techniques
UNIT I TWO PORT NETWORK THEORY 9 Review of Low frequency parameters: Impedance, Admittance, Hybrid and ABCD parameters, Different types of interconnection of Two port networks, High Frequency parameters, Formulation of S parameters, Properties of S parameters, Reciprocal and lossless Network, Transmission matrix, RF behavior of Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors.
UNIT II RF AMPLIFIERS AND MATCHING NETWORKS 9 Characteristics of Amplifiers, Amplifier power relations, Stability considerations, Stabilization Methods, Noise Figure, Constant VSWR, Broadband, High power and Multistage Amplifiers, Impedance matching using discrete components, Two component matching Networks, Frequency response and quality factor, T and Pi Matching Networks, Microstrip Line Matching Networks.
UNIT III PASSIVE AND ACTIVE MICROWAVE DEVICES 9 Terminations, Attenuators, Phase shifters, Directional couplers, Hybrid Junctions, Power dividers, Circulator, Isolator, Impedance matching devices: Tuning screw, Stub and quarter wave transformers. Crystal and Schottkey diode detector and mixers, PIN diode switch, Gunn diode oscillator, IMPATT diode oscillator and amplifier, Varactor diode, Introduction to MIC.
UNIT IV MICROWAVE GENERATION 9 Review of conventional vacuum Triodes, Tetrodes and Pentodes, High frequency effects in vacuum Tubes, Theory and application of Two cavity Klystron Amplifier, Reflex Klystron oscillator, Traveling wave tube amplifier, Magnetron oscillator using Cylindrical, Linear, Coaxial Voltage tunable Magnetrons, Backward wave Crossed field amplifier and oscillator
UNIT V MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS 9 Measuring Instruments : Principle of operation and application of VSWR meter, Power meter, Spectrum analyzer, Network analyzer, Measurement of Impedance, Frequency, Power, VSWR, Q-factor, Dielectric constant, Scattering coefficients, Attenuation, S-parameters
OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
Explain the active & passive microwave devices & components used in Microwave communication systems.
Analyze the multi- port RF networks and RF transistor amplifiers.
Generate Microwave signals and design microwave amplifiers.
Measure and analyze Microwave signal and parameters.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Reinhold Ludwig and Gene Bogdanov, “RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications”, Pearson Education Inc., 2011 2. Robert E Colin, “Foundations for Microwave Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2005
REFERENCES: 1. David M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering”, Wiley India (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2008. 2. Thomas H Lee, “Planar Microwave Engineering: A Practical Guide to Theory, Measurements and Circuits”, Cambridge University Press, 2004. 3. Mathew M Radmanesh, “RF and Microwave Electronics”, Prentice Hall, 2000. 4. Annapurna Das and Sisir K Das, “Microwave Engineering”, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
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