EC6602 ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION syllabus-subject-notes-pevious-year-questions-papers-bank
To give insight of the radiation phenomena.
To give a thorough understanding of the radiation characteristics of different types of antennas
To create awareness about the different types of propagation of radio waves at different frequencies
UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIATION 9 Definition of antenna parameters – Gain, Directivity, Effective aperture, Radiation Resistance, Band width, Beam width, Input Impedance. Matching – Baluns, Polarization mismatch, Antenna noise temperature, Radiation from oscillating dipole, Half wave dipole. Folded dipole, Yagi array.
UNIT II APERTURE AND SLOT ANTENNAS 9 Radiation from rectangular apertures, Uniform and Tapered aperture, Horn antenna , Reflector antenna , Aperture blockage , Feeding structures , Slot antennas ,Microstrip antennas – Radiation mechanism – Application ,Numerical tool for antenna analysis
UNIT III ANTENNA ARRAYS 9 N element linear array, Pattern multiplication, Broadside and End fire array – Concept of Phased arrays, Adaptive array, Basic principle of antenna Synthesis-Binomial array
UNIT IV SPECIAL ANTENNAS 9 Principle of frequency independent antennas –Spiral antenna, Helical antenna, Log periodic. Modern antennas- Reconfigurable antenna, Active antenna, Dielectric antennas, Electronic band gap structure and applications, Antenna Measurements-Test Ranges, Measurement of Gain, Radiation pattern, Polarization, VSWR
UNIT V PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVES 9 Modes of propagation , Structure of atmosphere , Ground wave propagation , Tropospheric propagation , Duct propagation, Troposcatter propagation , Flat earth and Curved earth concept Sky wave propagation – Virtual height, critical frequency , Maximum usable frequency – Skip distance, Fading , Multi hop propagation
OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
Explain the various types of antennas and wave propagation.
Write about the radiation from a current element.
Analyze the antenna arrays, aperture antennas and special antennas such as frequency independent and broad band
1. John D Kraus,” Antennas for all Applications”, 3rd Edition, Mc Graw Hill, 2005.
1. Edward C.Jordan and Keith G.Balmain” Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems” Prentice Hall of India, 2006
2. R.E.Collin,”Antennas and Radiowave Propagation”, Mc Graw Hill 1985.
3. Constantine.A.Balanis “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design”, Wiley Student Edition, 2006.
4. Rajeswari Chatterjee, “Antenna Theory and Practice” Revised Second Edition New Age International Publishers, 2006.
5. S. Drabowitch, “Modern Antennas” Second Edition, Springer Publications, 2007.
6. Robert S.Elliott “Antenna Theory and Design” Wiley Student Edition, 2006.
7. H.Sizun “Radio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication Applications”, First Indian Reprint, Springer Publications, 2007.
To give insight of the radiation phenomena.
To give a thorough understanding of the radiation characteristics of different types of antennas
To create awareness about the different types of propagation of radio waves at different frequencies
UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIATION 9 Definition of antenna parameters – Gain, Directivity, Effective aperture, Radiation Resistance, Band width, Beam width, Input Impedance. Matching – Baluns, Polarization mismatch, Antenna noise temperature, Radiation from oscillating dipole, Half wave dipole. Folded dipole, Yagi array.
UNIT II APERTURE AND SLOT ANTENNAS 9 Radiation from rectangular apertures, Uniform and Tapered aperture, Horn antenna , Reflector antenna , Aperture blockage , Feeding structures , Slot antennas ,Microstrip antennas – Radiation mechanism – Application ,Numerical tool for antenna analysis
UNIT III ANTENNA ARRAYS 9 N element linear array, Pattern multiplication, Broadside and End fire array – Concept of Phased arrays, Adaptive array, Basic principle of antenna Synthesis-Binomial array
UNIT IV SPECIAL ANTENNAS 9 Principle of frequency independent antennas –Spiral antenna, Helical antenna, Log periodic. Modern antennas- Reconfigurable antenna, Active antenna, Dielectric antennas, Electronic band gap structure and applications, Antenna Measurements-Test Ranges, Measurement of Gain, Radiation pattern, Polarization, VSWR
UNIT V PROPAGATION OF RADIO WAVES 9 Modes of propagation , Structure of atmosphere , Ground wave propagation , Tropospheric propagation , Duct propagation, Troposcatter propagation , Flat earth and Curved earth concept Sky wave propagation – Virtual height, critical frequency , Maximum usable frequency – Skip distance, Fading , Multi hop propagation
OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
Explain the various types of antennas and wave propagation.
Write about the radiation from a current element.
Analyze the antenna arrays, aperture antennas and special antennas such as frequency independent and broad band
1. John D Kraus,” Antennas for all Applications”, 3rd Edition, Mc Graw Hill, 2005.
1. Edward C.Jordan and Keith G.Balmain” Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems” Prentice Hall of India, 2006
2. R.E.Collin,”Antennas and Radiowave Propagation”, Mc Graw Hill 1985.
3. Constantine.A.Balanis “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design”, Wiley Student Edition, 2006.
4. Rajeswari Chatterjee, “Antenna Theory and Practice” Revised Second Edition New Age International Publishers, 2006.
5. S. Drabowitch, “Modern Antennas” Second Edition, Springer Publications, 2007.
6. Robert S.Elliott “Antenna Theory and Design” Wiley Student Edition, 2006.
7. H.Sizun “Radio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication Applications”, First Indian Reprint, Springer Publications, 2007.
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