EC6402 COMMUNICATION THEORY syllabus-subject-notes-pevious-year-questions-papers-bank
To introduce the concepts of various analog modulations and their spectral characteristics.
To understand the properties of random process.
To know the effect of noise on communication systems.
UNIT I AMPLITUDE MODULATION 9 Generation and detection of AM wave-spectra-DSBSC, Hilbert Transform, Pre-envelope & complex envelope - SSB and VSB –comparison -Superheterodyne Receiver.
UNIT II ANGLE MODULATION 9 Phase and frequency modulation-Narrow Band and Wind band FM - Spectrum - FM modulation and demodulation – FM Discriminator- PLL as FM Demodulator - Transmission bandwidth.
UNIT III RANDOM PROCESS 9 Random variables, Central limit Theorem, Random Process, Stationary Processes, Mean, Correlation & Covariance functions, Power Spectral Density, Ergodic Processes, Gaussian Process, Transmission of a Random Process Through a LTI filter.
UNIT IV NOISE CHARACTERIZATION 9 Noise sources and types – Noise figure and noise temperature – Noise in cascaded systems. Narrow band noise – PSD of in-phase and quadrature noise –Noise performance in AM systems – Noise performance in FM systems – Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis – Capture effect, threshold effect.
UNIT V INFORMATION THEORY 9 Entropy - Discrete Memoryless channels - Channel Capacity -Hartley - Shannon law - Source coding theorem - Huffman & Shannon - Fano codes
OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the students would
Design AM communication systems.
Design Angle modulated communication systems
Apply the concepts of Random Process to the design of Communication systems
Analyze the noise performance of AM and FM systems
1. J.G.Proakis, M.Salehi, “Fundamentals of Communication Systems”, Pearson Education 2006.
2. S. Haykin, “Digital Communications”, John Wiley, 2005.
1. B.P.Lathi, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007.
2. B.Sklar, “Digital Communications Fundamentals and Applications”, 2nd Edition Pearson Education 2007
3. H P Hsu, Schaum Outline Series - “Analog and Digital Communications” TMH 2006
4. Couch.L., "Modern Communication Systems", Pearson, 2001.
To introduce the concepts of various analog modulations and their spectral characteristics.
To understand the properties of random process.
To know the effect of noise on communication systems.
UNIT I AMPLITUDE MODULATION 9 Generation and detection of AM wave-spectra-DSBSC, Hilbert Transform, Pre-envelope & complex envelope - SSB and VSB –comparison -Superheterodyne Receiver.
UNIT II ANGLE MODULATION 9 Phase and frequency modulation-Narrow Band and Wind band FM - Spectrum - FM modulation and demodulation – FM Discriminator- PLL as FM Demodulator - Transmission bandwidth.
UNIT III RANDOM PROCESS 9 Random variables, Central limit Theorem, Random Process, Stationary Processes, Mean, Correlation & Covariance functions, Power Spectral Density, Ergodic Processes, Gaussian Process, Transmission of a Random Process Through a LTI filter.
UNIT IV NOISE CHARACTERIZATION 9 Noise sources and types – Noise figure and noise temperature – Noise in cascaded systems. Narrow band noise – PSD of in-phase and quadrature noise –Noise performance in AM systems – Noise performance in FM systems – Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis – Capture effect, threshold effect.
UNIT V INFORMATION THEORY 9 Entropy - Discrete Memoryless channels - Channel Capacity -Hartley - Shannon law - Source coding theorem - Huffman & Shannon - Fano codes
OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the students would
Design AM communication systems.
Design Angle modulated communication systems
Apply the concepts of Random Process to the design of Communication systems
Analyze the noise performance of AM and FM systems
1. J.G.Proakis, M.Salehi, “Fundamentals of Communication Systems”, Pearson Education 2006.
2. S. Haykin, “Digital Communications”, John Wiley, 2005.
1. B.P.Lathi, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007.
2. B.Sklar, “Digital Communications Fundamentals and Applications”, 2nd Edition Pearson Education 2007
3. H P Hsu, Schaum Outline Series - “Analog and Digital Communications” TMH 2006
4. Couch.L., "Modern Communication Systems", Pearson, 2001.
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